Monday, November 22, 2010

Lessons from the past due to bang my head on a computer

Well over the last two weeks I have probability beat my head against the side of a computer far more that I ever have on a Sewing Machine ! The amazing thing is I am actually beginning to understand a lot More than I ever wanted, and it is not just the Computer, the sewing, but why America is also going to Hell in a hand basket.Weird but true, so Let Me get this off my shoulders before I tell you about my studies
We as citizens of this great county have decide not to do things, the way we know works, we do not have the pride our Parents had. People today could care less if something, they do causes harm to our country. Blaming it on Money,Time, or "It is not going to affect me". It is as simple as this, It has been ignored, forgot, or put in the" Oh well" box . When we were brought up, we believed this Country could do anything! SEE 1960 and Before.
 The closest we get today is reminiscent of old comics,commercials, and old Movies. We supported Our own Industry, We bought things made here, we created some of the best of the best in Many fields.  We Dreamed Big, and we went after it.  What has happen, is we have made the Choice to take the easy way out on a grand scale We don't make anything here, we sell our Ideas to other countries, and then Bitch cause there are no jobs, and Do so STANDING  in a store where every thing was made in China claiming it is cheaper to buy it there. HELLO, if we are to ever have a Nation that we are proud of.  People have to learn to think about each and every action that can damage this country. It is not just the Jerks on the Hill responsibility,  it is each of us, every time we BUY something, Is it really cheaper ? To watch a Million Jobs disappear or pay a little more? I am amazed that we the people do this without thought to the big picture. Our Grandparents  made do,redid, used up or Did without. They Did Not have a Storage unit to Pack their stuff away , cause what they had they were proud of.  Not filling the I Need it now moment. We have to decide if we are part of a future where We are a nation of I , or a Nation of We. Our Grandparents and Great Grands Made that decision and we will have to face the same thing unless we start changing the choices we make. LPASF

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