Home work 1949 pants and vest |
Well this week has been really busy, School work, customs, show in 5wks, Where is that extra 5 days I dream about ? I have a 1895 corset waiting for a new busk Please Mr Post man hurry that package up. I have a 17th century gown waiting for fitting,tomorrow and a 1870's walking coat to be trimmed out. Sometimes I hate the holiday interuption, stopping to Decorate, but I have learn that with out, outside interuptions I would be sleeping at my machine. It seems that my days are fast diappearing , I just recieved an invite to post my vintage work on Sense Of Fashion, but without those extra days....
I spend last nite reading about the Era of the of the 1893, which is the next set of home work a skirt and bodice/blouse combo done in quater and half nch scale drafting . Math that desingers use in Fashion Design.
My Renassainctione work |
I have a degree, which I work for as a single mom , now the kids are grown and it seems that it is even harder and now it seems to be harder to be even more organised with this. I think it will get better but will it be before I pull my hair out. I decide to share pictures of my work so those of you who haven't had the pleasure can see what I do for a living So until my next post Keep creating, We are falling behind their rate of Destrution LPASF
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