Okay So I fell off the world for the last week, I am buried in custom work, and have two school projects due before my first show of the year. It is amazing just how much sewing I have done in the last week and have 4 deadlines in 5 days, still have trims to do on some and hems always hems. The Great helper to all is Morpheus which seems to have forgot to drop by and take me to take place of rest and dreams ,which hasn't helped me feel any better about my blessing. Then there is the clients who think all I have to do is wiggle my nose,and poof it is magically done. I wish I could make them understand I can't sew 12 hours a day every day. But Alas .......
So with that said, I have been knee deep in steel boning and busk, build a wonderful custom corset with a fantasy theme , and it is amazing, still have some finish work on that one. Then there is the 1893 Ladies walking coats 2 yes I said 2 and each is unique. Then we have the 1790's Lades gown with panniers and stomacher which has started to take shape quite nicely, it will be ready for the second fitting around the 27 or so. The fantasy bodice and velvet skirt are ready for their final on the 27th ,and then a day off. I will post pictures as I finish off the hems and such but I still am on my sewing Island and will be until I am OK where I am on the list. I haven't forgot my friends, they just will have to be patience and wait until I feel like I can breathe, or feel my fingers. As ever sewing my way thur this world,one stitch at a time LPASF
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